Services FAQ
Q: Do you provide play therapy?
A: We take a whole-family approach to treatment, since individual therapy by itself is rarely effective with young children. Our therapy often includes teaching parents how to do therapeutic play with their children. The skills we teach the parent depends on the nature of the problem and the family dynamics, but basically, we teach the parent to create a therapeutic environment within the family in order to resolve the child’s issues. When parents use our therapeutic techniques, the children get “therapy” every day, so progress is much more rapid and more likely to maintain after we discharge.
Q: Do I have to participate in family therapy if my child’s problems are all at school?
A: Achieving and sustaining success at school, whether your child is having problems academically, behaviorally, or socially, almost always means involving parents on a regular basis. Our therapist is in the unique position of seeing your child in both of his or her “natural settings”. This advantage allows the therapist to coordinate a consistent, mutually agreed upon approach to the problems your child is experiencing.
Q: Can I request a different staff if I’m not comfortable with the one assigned?
A: We want you to feel comfortable with your staff, though we know sessions are not always comfortable, given the topics discussed. If we matched you with a staff you can’t work with, please let us know so we can discuss what alternative staff we may have available.
Q: I liked the Intake Specialist that asked me all about the problems I need help with; can I keep that person as my Therapist?
A; We are glad you connected with our Intake Specialist! We are proud to have these licensed therapists who specialize in assessment and diagnosis, and who are efficient and accurate in meeting the funder (insurance) requirements for opening a new client. Our Intake Specialists are busy with that role at our agency, so every new client is assigned a Primary Clinician who works in your area.
Q: How many hours of therapy can I get per week?
A: This can vary according to the intensity of the problems you are addressing in therapy. One hour weekly is typical for traditional mental health therapy; if you qualify for twice weekly sessions your therapist will let you know. If applied behavior analysis (ABA) services are needed, it is possible to get more hours of service per week according to the functioning level of the client and the goals for the course of therapy.
Q: How long can I continue to get services?
A: Our plan is to help you reach your goals and then to prepare you to keep that up through your future so you may never need services again! We expect to achieve that in six months, but if there are barriers to progress that we can help you overcome in the months following, we will extend services. If you need our help again later we can restart services with a new referral.
Q: Do you provide services for intellectually ‘low functioning’ adults?
A: Yes, we definitely provide services for this population! Depending on the functioning level of the individual and the nature of the problem, we would assign either a therapist to provide individual & family counseling or a behavior analyst to provide caregiver training and skills training.
Q: Will you help me find other services that I need?
A: Yes, our clinicians can provide a limited amount of pro bono (unpaid) case management, however if more intensive case management is needed, we will refer you for Targeted Case Management, and the TCM will help you find the resources that you need.
Q: What types of insurance do you accept?
A; Medicaid MMA plans: CMS (Title 19 & 21), Sunshine State, Humana, Molina, Prestige, Staywell, United
HealthyKids (Florida Kidcare) plans: Aetna Better Health
Commercial insurance plans: Aetna, Ambetter, United. All other commercial plans would utilize out-of-network benefits. Connect to our Funding page here.
Q: Where do you provide therapy services?
A: We strongly believe that home-based family therapy has better results than individual office-based therapy for most people. This is why we almost always start services in your home, and why we usually continue to hold sessions there. We remove the inconvenience of traveling to an unfamiliar office by meeting you where you presumably feel the most comfortable—this just makes sense to us!
Q: Can I come to your office for therapy?
A: Yes, as long as you can meet in our office in Maitland.
Q: Do you do ABA therapy?
A: Yes! We have certified Behavior Analysts providing ABA services for our clients. The focus of these services is on working with parents to learn techniques for increasing their child's language and other skills, as well as reducing behavior problems. In addition to in-home/in-school services, we have one office location (Maitland).
Q: Isn’t ABA just for people with Autism?
A: While many Behavior Analysts may specialize or work exclusively with this population, that is not the case at Adapt. We do not restrict the use of this highly effective type of therapy to one group of people. Behavior analysis has been in use for many years to prevent and solve problems in education, mental health, pediatrics, elder care, and business organizations. It is an evidence-based practice that we believe should be available to anyone who can benefit from this type of therapy.
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