Advantages of Adapt
​There are many provider agencies that are hiring clinicians. What would make you choose to work as a contractor at Adapt?
Professional growth. Adapt is committed to helping our clinicians to learn skills that improve client/family treatment outcomes, including reducing the duration of treatment and reducing recidivism, through ongoing individual and group supervision. Seminars in specialized topic areas requested by our clinicians are offered intermittently, including free CE credits for our licensed/certified clinicians. Supervision toward Florida licensure or BACB certification is provided free of charge. Adapt has provided supervision toward licensure for almost 100 registered interns, who are now licensed or are currently working towards licensure.
Feeling of being valued. Adapt strives to make all staff, both employees and contractors, feel valued. We believe in a culture of support, openness, and positive recognition for our staff. Every year, we gather survey data to ensure that our staff are happy and feel valued, as well as to solicit suggestions that will help us to improve further.
Ethics. A number of clinicians have remarked that Adapt is the most ethical agency that they have worked for. We strive to provide the most effective & efficient services, training & supervision related to ethical issues on an ongoing basis, and monitoring for & correction of unethical practices.
Flexibility. Our positions really can be tailored to fit your needs. A number of our clinicians maintain a large caseload that provides an income comparable to a salaried position, but that is not the only possibility. Some of our clinicians have a full-time position at another organization but take a few cases with us (minimum of 5 client hours weekly) to earn extra income or keep their clinical skills current. Others have multiple part-time or contract positions at two or more agencies. Still others take cases with Adapt to supplement their private practice.
Comparable pay. Adapt strives to provide staff compensation equal to or above the norm compared to other local behavioral health agencies. We are also committed to rewarding the loyalty of the staff who stay with us, through annual performance-based pay increases and end-of-year bonuses that escalate with each year of tenure.
Ready to join the team?
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